
Job, Projects and Images

Projects & Jobs

Organize your images into projects.


The Playground is your default project. Generating a lot of images here will result in a very long thread and it might make it hard to organize your work. If you are looking to use Project Dream for multiple projects, itā€™s suggested to separate them into their own ā€œProject foldersā€.


In your created projects you have the options to delete the whole project, clear the project or edit the projects name.


You can also change your view from a detailed timeline to grid view and you can filter your images based on job types.


Now that you have created your picture letā€™s see what else you can do with it.


Clicking on your image you can review your generation settings, copy your image to clipboard, download the high-res uncompressed picture or work on your image a bit further.

You can also share your opinions on the generated images with the smiley faces or add it to the showcase to show your image to others in the Project Dream community.


The rework options are also available from the icons that come up while hovering over your image. Weā€™re going to go over the image rework options in their own sections.